FitCity CrossFit – CrossFit

*Looking for the perfect holiday gift for your family/friend? We are offering a gift certificate for our CrossFit 101 Pop Up Course, perfect for newbies or those who have been out of CF for a while, for only $39!! Two hour class, 3 workouts, BOOM! Get your gift certificate NOW as we are only offering 10 spots for this class.


Warm-up (No Measure)

200m Run

:30 of each of the following:

KB Swings

Goat Bag Swings

Box Step Ups


Squat & Shoulder Prep


Deadlift (5×2)

*Heavy with solid form.


Metcon (Time)

For time

25 Pull Ups

40 Cal Row

40 Box Jumps (24/20)


Rx+ (30/24)(Weight vest for pull ups- only permitted if non weighted pull ups will be done in sets of 15 or more. Must be able to do at least 10 unbroken weighted pull ups)


Warm-up (No Measure)

Strap Stretch

Spend 10 minutes foam rolling all parts of lower body