FitCity CrossFit – CrossFit

*Movie Night tomorrow 8pm!!!
*Yoga with Jenny tomorrow 4pm and Sunday 9am!


(No Measure)

200m Run

4 min AMRAP:

2 Push Up Complex

Lateral Lunges

Primal Pass Throughs

Squat & Shoulder Prep


Bench Press (3@70%, 3@80%, 3+90%)


Metcon (Time)

2 KB Swings (53/35)

12 Burpees

4 KB Swings

11 Burpees

6 KB Swings

10 Burpees

8 KB Swings

9 Burpees

10 KB Swings

8 Burpees

12 KB Swings

7 Burpees

14 KB Swings

6 Burpees

16 KB Swings

5 Burpees

18 KB Swings

4 Burpees

20 KB Swings

3 Burpees

22 KB Swings

2 Burpees


(No Measure)

Strap Stretch

Foam Roll as needed

LAX Feet, Calves, Glutes

Bridges x3