FitCity CrossFit – CrossFit
1/2 Run Club Session 1 Begins TODAY! Talk to your coach to sign up now!
1/12 Nutrition Challenge Mtg 7pm
1/12 Mobile Body Composition Testing 3:30-7:30pm
1/13 Annual Fight Gone Bad Event 9am
1/20 Muscle up/Pull Up Clinic with Coach Katie Flach
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m Run
Line Drills plus Simon Says
Squat & Shoulder Prep
Metcon (No Measure)
Min 1- 10 Burpees
Min 2- 10 Box jumps with step down (24/20)
Min 3- 10/8 Cal air bike
Min 4- 10-30 Sec handstand hold or 2 around the worlds
Min 5- 10 Ballslams
Min 6- 45 Sec farmers carry (53/35) (70/53)
Extra Credit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Tabata Plank Holds
*Optional weighted for those with solid plank strength.
Warm-up (No Measure)
Strap Stretch
Cobra/Childs Pose
Split/Straddle Practice
Foam Roll as needed