FitCity CrossFit – CrossFit
*Happy Birthday Corey D.!!!
*Great American Teach In!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Any order, complete all 3:
*2 min Air Dyne
*200m Jog
*2 Rounds of:
5 Mountain Climbers + Push Up
10 Ring Rows
10 Jumping Squats
Squat & Shoulder Prep
Metcon (Time)
Bench Press
Ring Push Ups
Strict Pull Ups
*Bench press weight should be 75% of 1RM or less. This WOD is not for time but it must be completed in less than 45 minutes. Select weight and scaling accordingly.
Warm-up (No Measure)
Strap Stretch including Shoulder Stretch
LAX Shoulders, Pecs, Delts, Upper Back
Overhead Shoulder Distractions