FitCity CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m Run
10 Wallballs
10 Ring Rows or Pull Ups
10 KB Swings
Squat & Shoulder Prep
CrossFit Team Series 2017 Event #8 (Time)
Partner 1 completes:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Then Partner 2 completes:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
For time
Jackie plus Chest to Bar (Time)
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Jackie (Time)
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups
Extra Credit
Warm-up (No Measure)
a) Pull up negatives x5
b) Chin up negatives x5
c) Max Pull Up grip hold
d) Max Chin up grip hold
Warm-up (No Measure)
Strap Stretch
LAX Lats & Traps
Foam Roll Legs & Upper Back