overnight oatmeal

Build a Healthy Plant-Based Plate

As a certified Precision Nutrition coach, personal trainer and CrossFit coach, I regularly meet with clients to discuss health and wellness goals.

Very often client goals include a reduction in body fat, weight loss and/or performance in the gym and in daily life.

Although vegan and vegetarians make up less than 3% of the total population in the United States, I find a higher percentage than that in my practice. If you are vegetarian or vegan, this healthy plate tip is for YOU!
Every plate should include a protein, starchy carb, veggie, and healthy fat.

The question is how much of each category and what are some examples?

  1. Start by dividing your plate into fourths.
  2. Two of those fourths, or one half of the plate is non starchy vegetables.
  3. Another one fourth is filled with plant based proteins including beans and legumes.
  4. That leaves one remaining fourth. Divide that in half.
  5. One section is for starches such as sweet potato, potato, whole grains.
  6. Remaining section should be healthy fats such as healthy oils, nuts, seeds.
  7. As needed for energy, a single serving of fruit can be added to the meal, particularly after exercise.

Using this “plate” as a guide will ensure you are able to maintain a healthy weight and sustain energy for workouts and the rigors of daily life. As always, adjust the size of your plate and total intake to body size and energy needs. *See below for vegan recipe.

Protein Packed Overnight Oatmeal

  • 1/2c unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 tbsp powdered peanut butter
  • 1/2 ripe banana cut into small pieces
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1/2c gluten free old fashioned oats optional: sprinkle with chopped peanuts

Mix all ingredients together in this order. Stir. Leave in fridge overnight. Add a small amount of almond milk if too thick in the morning. Enjoy!!

Is your diet plant based? Do you struggle with how to put together comprehensive daily or weekly meals with adequate protein and micronutrients? I am here to help!

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